The multiculturalism of Istria is best felt in its gastronomy which is the result of Italian, Germanic and Slavic influences, bearing in mind at the same time its Mediterranean setting.
The Italian influence can best be felt in seafood dishes (fish, clams, crabs, scampi), especially in the
combination with different types of pasta, whereas other influences are felt in the rural cuisine.
However, the true
significance of Istrian cuisine is the use of high-quality ingredients in cooking such as: Istrian prosciutto,
truffles and the famed Istrian olive oil, considered to be one of the world's
best, praised and awarded at international competitions over the last years.
Discover the intense flavor and smell of top quality Istrian olive oil, discover why some thirty Istrian olive oils are listed in the most prestigious guidebooks Slow food and L’extravergine.
In fine Istrian olive oil you will surely discover the smell of freshly cut grass, herbs, artichokes, green tomatoes, apples and almonds, but also the noble bitterness characteristic of original olive oil.
TASTING: : TANGER FAMILy, - Munida 4a, Medulin Working hours: 17-20 h, tel. 576 445, 091 205 13 81, silvano.tanger@ CRNOBORI FAMIL - Kaštanjež 2, Banjole Working hours: 9-12 h, 18-21 h, tel. 573 067, 098 900 44 46, NATURA CATTUNAR - Fucane 9, Medulin, tel. 577 475, 091 5722 435, vesna.cattunar@ OBITELJ JUKOPILA - Brajdine 3, Medulin, radno vrijeme: 10-13 h, 17-19 h, tel. 576 001, 091 251 87 73, TERRANEO - Funtana 1, Medulin, radno vrijeme: 9-22 h, tel. 095 555 2795,
As an integral part of fine dining Istrian wine is a special story that cannot be told in just one sentence. However, it is enough to mention that Istrian wines have earned the flattering epithet of the best wines in the country, just like several restaurants whose selection of food and wines has reached pure perfection.
ISTRIAN MANEŠTRA - one of the most traditional food of Istrian cuisine. The basic ingredients
of this thick soup are potatoes and beans, but by combining other ingredients creative chefs add a distinctive taste and gastronomic
touch to their own maneštra. The name and type of maneštra depends on the main ingredient, the most common ones for preparing
this specialty are young corn, chickpea, barley, sauerkraut, sour turnip and young fennel. If Istrian prosciutto bone is added,
the culinary experience will be even more impressive.
SPIDERCRAB SALAD – seafood specialty that our ancestors loved is a culinary delight which even nowadays is a delicacy for all food aficionados. This large crab, with mild and sweet tasting meat is prepared in many ways, but it is especially tasty when cooked and prepared as spidercrab salad, or as a delicious sauce for risotto and pasta.
GRILLED PILCHARD – oily fish that has for centuries been the staple food of many fishermen families is yet another interesting seafood delicacy of Istria that you simply must try during your stay on the Medulin Riviera. It is most usually prepared in the simplest way - from the fishing net straight to the grill. But, if you have a chance, be sure to taste savory pilchard. This exceptionally tasty fish is nourishing as well because of its valuable ingredients that make it one of the healthiest bites of the Adriatic.
BLACK CUTTLEFISH RISOTTO – the shallow rocky bottom of the warm water along our coast has from the distant past guaranteed a rich catch of cuttlefish, mollusks that have a special position in traditional Istrian cuisine. There are many recipes with cuttlefish as the main ingredient, but we recommend black cuttlefish risotto, simple dish with an irresistible taste, which will surely delight all lovers of fine seafood.
FISH BRODETTO – another typical seafood specialty which was once part of folk cuisine, today is regularly found on the menu of exclusive restaurants along the Adriatic Coast. It is prepared from a combination of freshly caught fish, and a few crabs or different types of seafood are often added. Almost every restaurateur has his own way of preparing brodetto which he jealously keeps. Brodetto is served with ground cornmeal, polenta, which makes it an irresistible gastronomic delight of the Adriatic.
HOMEMADE PASTA WITH SAUCE – Istrian gastronomy is strongly influenced by Italian cuisine, the best example is the variety of delicious homemade pasta that you can taste on the Riviera. The most famous are fuži, pasutice and tagliatelle that are made from pasta dough, as well as traditional dumplings made of potatoes, commonly known as gnocchi. Such pasta is especially tasty when paired with different homemade sauces, the most traditional among them is the sauce made with tomatoes, onions, seasoning and chicken - žgvacet.