Wake Park Pomer-Medulin

The Waveboat bar and WakePark Pomer are the first of its kind in south Istra region, a place where you can learn and enjoy wakeboarding along with having fun with your friends. The 2.0 cable system by Loric is a great experience and easy to ride. WakePark Pomer opened doors for public first time in the year 2016!
We have full set of equipment you might need to start wakeboarding now.
• Wakeboards CTRL in different
male, female and kid sizes
• Life jackets • Wetsuits, female, male and kids, all sizes
1 Rider at the time!
• Kicker powered by Shape
• Slider 20m powered by Rixen
Ready to go ;) Good for wake-camps, team-buildings and other team activities. Ideal conditions for lessons and first timers.
Near the WakPark there are also many other interesting things to do. You can rent a bicycle and drive around amazing Rt. Kamenjak with plenty of bicycle paths, tarmac and dirt. (link here) There is also ACamp Pomer just across us in the Medulin Bay, with many facilities.
If you are staying anywhere in south Istra, near Pula-Medulin-Premantura this is a perfect place for you to have tons of fun!
Open from 01 June to 30 September
INFORMATIONS: Wake park Pomer-Medulin and Wave boat bar, beach Sćuza (Pomer), www.wakeparkpomer.com/welcome/lang/eng, e-mail: info@wakeparkpomer.com, tel. 091/9553199